- 2020-21 - Section 2 Accounting Statements.pdf
- 2020-21 Annual Internal Audit Report.pdf
- 2021-22 - Section 1 Annual Governance Statement.pdf
- 2022-23 - Internal Audit Report - Kelbrook Parish Council-FINAL.pdf
- 2023-2024 - Kelbrook and Sough PC final internal audit.pdf
- 2024-Bank-reconciliation-proforma.xlsx
- 20240517-1348 2 (1).pdf
- 21-22 Exercising rhe provision of public rights.docx
- 21-Explanation-of-Variances-2023-24.xlsx
- A4PCmeeting dates.jpg
- AGAR section 5.pdf
- AGM minutes 16 5 2023.docx
- Advert for Clerk.docx
- Agar notice final.pdf
- Agenda 10th January 2023 ammended.docx
- Agenda 10th January 2023.docx
- Agenda 13th December 2022.docx
- Agenda 14th March 2023.docx
- Agenda 17th January 2023 final.docx
- Agenda 17th January 2023 x1.docx
- Agenda 21st February 2023.docx
- Annual Parish Meeting.docx
- Asset Register Policy 1.docx
- Asset Register policy (1).pdf
- Asset Register.ods
- Asset register july 25.xlsx
- Co Opt.docx
- Complaints policy.docx
- Copy of Asset register july 24.xlsx
- Copy of KSPC Grants and Donations Policy 2023-1.pdf
- DRAFT MINUTES 9th Sept.pdf
- Data Breach policy.pdf
- Data Protection Policy.docx
- Disclosure Log PDF.pdf
- Email address policy.docx
- Equal Opportunities Policy.docx
- Final Decision Notice ICO.pdf
- GDPR - Data Protection Policy.pdf
- Internal Audit Policy.docx
- K&S PC Asset Register 11june25.xlsx
- K&S PC Asset Register july 25.xlsx
- KSPC Code of Conduct Policy.pdf
- KSPC Complaints Policy.pdf
- KSPC Councillor Email Address Policy Statement.pdf
- KSPC Data Protection Policy.pdf
- KSPC Equal Opportunities Policy.pdf
- KSPC Filming Policy 2023.pdf
- KSPC Filming Policy.pdf
- KSPC Grants and Donations Policy 2023.pdf
- KSPC Public Participationat Parish Council Meetings Policy.pdf
- KSPC Publication Scheme.docx
- KSPC Publication Scheme.pdf
- KSPC Social Media Policy.pdf
- KSPC Standing Orders.pdf
- KSPC Summons 20th January 2021.pdf
- KSPC Summons 4th November 2020.pdf
- KSPC Summons 6th January 2021.pdf
- KSPC Summons 7th October 2020 pdf.pdf
- KSPC Summons extra ordinary meeting 18th November 2020.pdf
- KSPC Unacceptable Behaviour Policy.pdf
- KSPC Vexatious Complaints Policy.pdf
- KandS maintenance 23-24.pdf
- KandS maintenance 24-25 .pdf
- Kelbrook accounts 2023 by budgets NEW.xlsx
- Kelbrook accounts 2023 for public viewing.pdf
- Kelbrook and Sough AGM May 24.docx
- Kelbrook and Sough AGM May 24.pdf
- Kelbrook and Sough AGM _.pdf
- Kelbrook and Sough Code of Conduct Policy.docx
- Kelbrook exercise of public rights.docx
- Kelbrook exerciser of public rights poster word.docx
- LA0118 AGAR.pdf
- LA0118 S3 (1).pdf
- LA0118 S3.pdf
- Lengthsman.docx
- Local Authority Accounts- A summary of your rights.docx
- Local Authority Accounts- A summary of your rights.pdf
- March 2024 minutes.pdf
- March Minutes 2023 - Amended.doc
- Meeting at Euravia Report.docx
- Minutes 10 10 23 .pdf
- Minutes 11th July 23.pdf
- Minutes of Extra Ordinary Meeting 16th September 2020.pdf
- Minutes of Extra Ordinary Meeting 18th November 2020.pdf
- Minutes of Extra Ordinary Meeting 20th January 2021.pdf
- Minutes of Extra Ordinary Meeting 26th August 2020.pdf
- Notice of Vacancy Kelbrook and Sough DR.pdf
- Notice of Vacancy Kelbrook and Sough GW.pdf
- Notice of Vacancy Kelbrook and Sough VK.docx
- November minutes.pdf
- November payment list.PDF
- PC Minutes 2021 11 August.docx
- PC Minutes 2021 14 December.docx
- PC Minutes 2021 2 June.docx
- PC Minutes 2021 5 May 2021.doc
- PC Minutes 2021 6 April 2021.docx
- PC Minutes 2021 6 October.docx
- PC Minutes 2021 7 July.docx
- PC Minutes 2021 8 November.docx
- PC Minutes 2021 8 September.docx
- PC Minutes 2022 April 12.docx
- PC Minutes 2022 February 15.docx
- PC Minutes 2022 January 18.docx
- PC Minutes 2022 July 12.docx
- PC Minutes 2022 June14.docx
- PC Minutes 2022 May 17 v.1.docx
- PC minutes 13 6 2023.docx
- Parish Council Minutes Tuesday 10th January 2023.docx
- Parish Council Minutes Tuesday 11th October 2022.pdf
- Parish Council Minutes Tuesday 13th December 2022 final (1).docx
- Parish Council Minutes Tuesday 17th January 2023.docx
- Parish Council Minutes Tuesday 21st February 2023.docx
- Parish Council Minutes Tuesday 8th November 2022 final.docx
- Pendle Councillor poster.pdf
- Privacy Statement.pdf
- Privacy notice for staff, councillors and role holders.pdf
- Retention Policy.docx
- September payment list.PDF
- Strategicplan.docx
- Summons 2021 3 November.docx
- Summons 2022 July 12.docx
- Summons 2022 June 14.docx
- Summons 2022 May 17.docx
- Summons 2022 November 8th.pdf
- Summons 2022 October 11th final.docx
- Summons 2022 October 11th final.pdf
- Summons 2023 May 16.docx
- Summons July 11th 23.docx
- Summons July 24th 23.docx
- Summons June 13 23.docx
- Summons June 22nd 23.docx
- Summons March 24.pdf
- Summons sept 23.pdf
- Unacceptable Behaviour and disorderly conduct policy.docx
- WORD notice of conclusion of audit 2022 Kelbrook.docx
- Workplan - May 2022.docx
- _Asset Register Policy.pdf
- _Complaints policy.pdf
- _Data Protection Policy.pdf
- _Email address policy.pdf
- _Equal Opportunities Policy.pdf
- _Internal Audit Policy.pdf
- _Public Participation.docx
- _Public Participation.pdf
- _Publication Scheme.docx
- _Publication Scheme.pdf
- _Retention Policy.pdf
- _Unacceptable Behaviour and disorderly conduct policy.pdf
- _persistent and vexatious complaints.pdf
- _social media policy.pdf
- accounting statements and figures.pdf
- accounts-2020.pdf
- agar f.jpg
- agar-2020.pdf
- agar-annual-return-2018-19-2019.pdf
- agar-certificate-of-exemption-2019-20-2020.pdf
- agar-internal-audit-2020.pdf
- agar-public-inspection-2020-2020.pdf
- agar2.jpg
- agar3.jpg
- agenda january 2024.docx
- agenda 10 10 23.pdf
- agenda 14 11 23.docx
- annual governance.pdf
- annual internal Audit report.pdf
- annual-return-2020.pdf
- august-2019-minutes.pdf
- august-2020-agendas.pdf
- august-2020-finance.pdf
- business-continuity-plan-covid-19-2020.pdf
- code-of-conduct-2020.pdf
- complaints-policy-2020.pdf
- covid-19-risk-assessment-2020.pdf
- data-protection-policy-2020.pdf
- december-2019-agendas.pdf
- december-2019-minutes.pdf
- draft-exemption-certificate-2019-20-2020.pdf
- equal-opportunities-policy-2020.pdf
- financial-accounting-2017--2018-2018.pdf
- financial-accounting-2018-2019-2019.pdf
- financial-regulations-2023.pdf
- frequently asked question final 2.jpg
- frequently asked questionfinal.jpg
- gdpr-policy-2020.pdf
- good-councillors-guide-2020.pdf
- high-consequence-infectious-disease-policy-2020.pdf
- infectious-disease-policy-2020.pdf
- internal-audit-2020.pdf
- january 2024 minutes.pdf
- january-2020-agendas.pdf
- january-2020-minutes.pdf
- july-2019-agendas.pdf
- july-2019-minutes.pdf
- june-2019-minutes.pdf
- june-2020-finance.pdf
- may-2020-finance.pdf
- minutes 12 9 23 PDF.pdf
- minutes 24 7 23 word.docx
- model-standing-orders-2018-2018.pdf
- model-standing-orders-april-2020-2020.pdf
- notice of conclusion of audit 2023 Kelbrook.pdf
- november-2019-agendas.pdf
- november-2019-minutes.pdf
- october-2019-agendas.pdf
- october-2019-minutes.pdf
- pc agenda 9th sept 24.pdf
- persistent and vexatious complaints.docx
- precept figure budget.pdf
- september-2019-agendas.pdf
- september-2019-minutes.pdf
- september-2020-agendas.pdf
- social media policy.docx
- social-media-policy-2020.pdf
- standing order upload post agar.pdf
- vexatious-complaints-policy-2020.pdf
Neighbourhood Plan Documents
- APPENDIX 3 Contents.pdf
- App 3 1 K&S Character Assessment Final V1.pdf
- App 3 1 K+S Character Assessment Submission V4.pdf
- App 3 1 KSNP Character Assessment Pre-submission FINAL.pdf
- App 3 2 K & S Site Assessment Methodology Final V1.pdf
- App 3 2 K & S Site Assessment Methodology Submission V4.pdf
- App 3 2 KSNP Site Assessment Methodology Pre-submission FINAL.pdf
- App 3 3 K & S Site Assessment Results Final V1.pdf
- App 3 3 K & S Site Assessment Results Submission V4.pdf
- App 3 3 KSNP Site Assessment Results Pre-submission FINAL.pdf
- App 3 4 K& S Green Spaces Final V1.pdf
- App 3 4 K& S Green Spaces Submission V4.pdf
- App 3 4 KSNP Green Spaces Pre-submission FINAL.pdf
- App 3 5 K &S Results of Engagement Final V1.pdf
- App 3 5 K &S Results of Engagement Submission V4.pdf
- App 3 6 K & S SEA Screening Report Submission V4.pdf
- App 3 6 K&S SEA HRA Screening Report Final V1.pdf
- App 3 6 KSNP SEA Screening Report Pre-submission FINAL.pdf
- App 3 7 KSNP Housing Needs Assessment_Final Report.pdf
- K&S Pre-submission Plan Comments.doc
- K&S Pre-submission Plan Comments.pdf
- KSNP Agenda April 2021.pdf
- KSNP Agenda August 2021.pdf
- KSNP Agenda February 2021.pdf
- KSNP Agenda February 2022.pdf
- KSNP Agenda January 2021.pdf
- KSNP Agenda January 2022.pdf
- KSNP Agenda July 2021.pdf
- KSNP Agenda June 2021.pdf
- KSNP Agenda March 2021.pdf
- KSNP Agenda March 2022.pdf
- KSNP Agenda May 2021.pdf
- KSNP Agenda November 2021.pdf
- KSNP Agenda October 2021.pdf
- KSNP Agenda September 2021.pdf
- KSNP Conditions Statement v4.pdf
- KSNP Consultation Statement v6.pdf
- KSNP Newsletter Aug 2021 v4.pdf
- KSNP Newsletter Mar 2021 V3.pdf
- KSNP Newsletter March 2022 v3.pdf
- KSNP Newsletter Oct 2019.pdf
- KSNP SEA Screening Report Submission (REVISED).pdf
- KSNP Steering Group Minutes 20200520.pdf
- KSNP Steering Group Minutes 20200617.pdf
- KSNP Steering Group Minutes 20200715.pdf
- KSNP Steering Group Minutes 20200819.pdf
- KSNP Steering Group Minutes 20200923.pdf
- KSNP Steering Group Minutes 20201021.pdf
- KSNP Steering Group Minutes 20201118.pdf
- KSNP Steering Group Minutes 20201216.pdf
- KSNP Steering Group Minutes 20210121.pdf
- KSNP Steering Group Minutes 20210217.pdf
- KSNP Steering Group Minutes 20210317.pdf
- KSNP Steering Group Minutes 20210421.pdf
- KSNP Steering Group Minutes 20210609.pdf
- KSNP Steering Group Minutes 20210721.pdf
- KSNP Steering Group Minutes 20210818.pdf
- KSNP Steering Group Minutes 20210915.pdf
- KSNP Steering Group Minutes 20211020.pdf
- KSNP Steering Group Minutes 20211122.pdf
- KSNP Steering Group Minutes 20220126.pdf
- KSNP Steering Group Minutes 20220223.pdf
- KSNP Steering Group Minutes 20220323.pdf
- Kelbrook and Sough Neighbourhood Development Plan - Examiners Report.pdf
- Kelbrook_and_Sough_Neighbourhood_Area_Proposal.pdf
- NRP_dec_of_result.pdf
- Notice of Poll.pdf
- ancient-woodland-2020.pdf
- april-2019-minutes.pdf
- april-2020-minutes.pdf
- august-2019-minutes.pdf
- bar-charts-2020.pdf
- biodiversity-2020.pdf
- business-survey-2020.pdf
- comments-2020.pdf
- communication-plan-v1-1-2020.pdf
- communication-plan-v1-2020.pdf
- craven-local-green-space-methodology-2020.pdf
- december-2019-minutes.pdf
- education-2020.pdf
- february-2019-minutes.pdf
- february-2019-newsletters.pdf
- february-2020-minutes.pdf
- instructions-for-recording-wildlife-sightings-2020.pdf
- january-2019-minutes.pdf
- january-2020-minutes.pdf
- july-2019-minutes.pdf
- july-2019-newsletters.pdf
- june-2019-minutes.pdf
- ksnp-communication-plan-v1-2020.pdf
- ksnp-survey-v04-2020.pdf
- march-2019-minutes.pdf
- march-2020-minutes.pdf
- may-2019-minutes.pdf
- november-2019-minutes.pdf
- october-2019-minutes.pdf
- open-meeting-agenda-2020.pdf
- pendle-core-strategy-2020.pdf
- poster-2020.pdf
- process-2020.pdf
- process-dr-clean-2020.pdf
- project-plan-v1-1-2020.pdf
- project-plan-v1-2020.pdf
- road-map-2020.pdf
- scoping-report--methodology-2020.pdf
- september-2019-minutes.pdf
- survey-v4-0-2020.pdf
- survey-v4-2020.pdf
- terms-of-reference-2-2020.pdf
- terms-of-reference-2020.pdf
- test.docx
- transport-2020.pdf
- vision--objectives-v1-1-2020.pdf
- vision--objectives-v1-2020.pdf
- weather-2020.pdf